Kauai Trip '24

Arrival in Kauai


From our resort


Viewing the water


Beach shot


Beach shot


On the catamaran


NaPali Coast


The cliffs from the water




On the boat


More coast


The coast continues


That is water on my shorts


The views don’t stop


Sea cave


See…dry shorts


Just shoots up from the water


Coffee time


Secret Falls


After kayaking and hiking, we made it


The grounds of the Luau


Ready for the Luau


More shots of the Luau grounds




Mai Tai time


Dusk at the Luau




Night shot at Luau


Queens Baths


We made the hike there


North shoreline


I think I know that mermaid


Dude meditates in front of the sunset


Sunsetting sun ending our trip in Kauai. (Dodge 3 hurricanes on this trip)