I don't know why else you would be checking out my site unless it was to find my pictures from my trips.  (In case you can't figure it out, you were supposed to click on the word "pictures".)  Hopefully more will appear.  Later.

As most of ya'll know, I am a fan of movies so I've started my own review of movies.  These are movies that I've seen lately at the theater.  Hopefully this will help save you money on what movies to avoid or to suggest a movie to watch.  Well here's the link:  movie reviews.

Here's a couple of quick pictures of where I've been living the past few of years and I don't specifically mean Parliament, the mountains, and the beach. 

NFL playoff predictions pool can be found at:  nflpicks

College Bowl Picks can be found at:  college


And a little shot from Tobago (Speyside).


Big Ben and Parliament at Night


Mountains in Norway